Medically induced menopause can be difficult to manage, but hormone replacement therapy can help.

What is Medically Induced Menopause?

Menopause is something that every woman will go through at a certain point in her life, but how she gets there and what her experience of menopause is like is something that will vary greatly from person to person! Some women will naturally enter menopause at an earlier age than average, and some at a…

Menopause can be a confusing time, but knowing certain terms can help

Menopause Dictionary: Common Terms to Know

Menopause is something that all women eventually deal with. We all know it’s coming, but whether or not you ever actually feel ready for it is a different story! Menopause can feel pretty similar to how it felt being a young girl entering puberty for the first time– it’s a whole new world of confusing…

Your genetics might play a role in how you experience menopause.

What is the Link Between Genetics and Menopause?

Your overall health and wellbeing is greatly affected by your genetics, and looking at the medical history of your family can be a good way to predict certain things. Conditions like heart problems or certain cancers can have a genetic component, and you can even be particularly prone to certain mental health disorders if they…