Even though testosterone is usually thought of as a male hormone, it’s also important for women. Because the female body produces less of this hormone, it’s often overlooked, but it is still very important for a healthy life.
What Does Testosterone Do?
In the female body, testosterone functions much the same way that it does in the male body. When this hormone is in proper balance, not too much or too little, it helps with the production of new blood cells, regulating sex drive (libido), distribution of fatty cells, building and sustaining muscle growth and tone, as well as some reproductive function and fertility. Testosterone is also important for maintaining higher energy levels and, naturally, higher levels of physical activity.

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Are Your Testosterone Levels Healthy?
What Are The Causes Of Lowered Testosterone?
Testosterone levels can fluctuate with the menstrual cycle just like all other hormones in the body. Over time, hormone levels can decrease with age. For most women, their testosterone production drops off around the time of menopause. As with other hormones, testosterone can be thrown out of balance by these normal processes. It is also possible that levels can be interrupted by problems originating in the ovaries or pituitary or adrenal glands.
Depending on the cause, there are ways to combat this decrease in testosterone levels. Renewed Vitality is home to some of the leading hormone specialists that can work with you on easing your symptoms and returning you to normal balance.
Did you know?
Testosterone is important to regulate bodily functions in both men and women. Aside from triggering physical changes and jumpstarting energy levels, testosterone plays an important role in maintaining mental and emotional balance. Maintaining this balance is key to happy and healthy living!
Because testosterone levels are so much lower for women already, it can be difficult to identify when those levels drop lower. Monitoring your own mood and how you feel physically are important when determining if something feels off. Some of the usual symptoms of lowered testosterone in women include lower sexual desire, feelings of depression, and overall sluggishness.
If you find yourself experiencing these symptoms, seek out the advice of a professional hormone specialist like Renewed Vitality.